I am not a MySpacer, so can't embed, but do hurry over there and watch Pattern for Smartness.
Brought to you by Dress a Day (which I thought was in the links sidebar but will be shortly).
Exploring all that is wonderful and horrible about 50's pop culture. Come join the party!
I am not a MySpacer, so can't embed, but do hurry over there and watch Pattern for Smartness.
Brought to you by Dress a Day (which I thought was in the links sidebar but will be shortly).
Forgot to mention a Christmas gift I got myself: Fabulous 50's Advertising 2007 calendar!
And here's April:
Am I going to inflict this on my family? Do you even need to ask?
By devouring them in Tasty Sandwiches.Seriously, what is it about pre-1960 asparagus?
Mercifully, you don't see asparagus like this anymore: monstrously huge, swollen, pale, phallic--a vegetable reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover. Do we have Julia Child to thank for pointing out that asparagus this big, cooked until it was soft, tasted like wet grass?
This book is copyrighted 1941, and though it might just be the photography, most of the sandwiches in it resemble alien life forms that have been run under the broiler for 2-5 minutes. But don't take my word for it:
Don't they look like something out of H.P. Lovecraft?
As always, click on an image to enjoy all the gory details.
Adding, I apologize for the wanky formatting; Blogger doesn't make it easy to post multiple images.