The Peter Popcorn Prinicple
In home decor, recipes tend to develop up to the limit of the cook's common sense--and then exceed it.
So, how easy is it to make Peter Popcorn?
Step 1: Roll paper towels into two 1/2 by 4 inch rolls, and two 3/8 by 2-1/2 inch rolls. Tie tightly with string.
Step 2: Pop 18 cups popcorn with no salt or oil. Remove unpopped kernals.
Step 3: Cook sugar, corn syrup, salt, water, and butter to 246 degree F. Add red food coloring.
Step 4: Combine an undetermined amount of the popcorn to the syrup, and quickly (I'll bet that's an understatement) shape it around the paper towels to form two legs and one arm.
Step 5: Cook another batch of candy syrup. Make the second arm and a body. Use the syrup to stick the arms and legs on the body, and to form feet and hands.
Step 6: Make another batch of candy, without food coloring. Make a round ball for the head, and stick it on the body.
Step 7: Make another batch of candy, with green food coloring this time,and make the hat. Excuse me, "Form saucily tilted cone-shaped hat on head." Yes, that's what they tell you.
Step 8: Stick on gumdrops and lifesavers and tell yourself it was worth all the trouble.
Four batches of candy cooked over the stove--have you ever made even one batch of candy? And then cleaned up afterwards? If you have, you'll see instantly why this project is so ghastly.
And if that wasn't enough fun for you, you can make all these other monstrosities, which the authors claim can decorate dining table, buffet, and front door--and be given as gifts.Why, thank you so much. It'll look perfect on the buffet at the popcorn growers' Co-op Christmas Ball.
The steps for making the large are 1) Draw tree shapes on white paper, cover with wax paper, thumbtack to a breadboard. 2) Make half the tree. 3) Make the other half of the tree. 4) Assemble the tree. 5) Festoon the tree. Presto!
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