Party Meatloaf

Exploring all that is wonderful and horrible about 50's pop culture. Come join the party!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Somthing greasy this way comes

Yes, it's Halloween in April. Almost as scary as breaded, fried pork chops, we have Crisco-Fried Croquettes:

You make them by combining tuna fish and white sauce into a sufficiently viscous lump, then frying it. Serve with fried potatoes. The "salad" appears to be a bell pepper stuffed with macaroni-mayonnaise salad.

The doctors Crisco talked to said it was OK to eat this way "seven days a week!" Presumably they were all cardiologists who needed to make a boat payment in a hurry.



At 1:33 PM, Blogger Lidian said...

Love this - love your blog - may I put you on my blogroll? I hope so, because I think we like a lot of the same things.

Look forward to reading your archives! Thank you for the comment on Kitchen Retro - you are right, that previous cereal page with Joe is quite a lot worse...

The worse the better though, with retro, I guess!

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I missed your comment but found you anyway via Craftzine, lidian!


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