More fatigue-fighting cereals to the rescue!
We've seen the basic information here before; Cream of Rice is your go-to cereal because it hits the bloodstream in mere seconds. Outside of a concentration camp, I'm not sure why this matters, but in the 40s, people thought it did. This version is jazzed up compared to the one I posted earlier, they've added the cartoon presence of the vaunted Child Specialist and a couple of ADHD-looking kids. What I like best about it is the comparison at the very bottom (I'm not sure you can see it; maybe if you click and enlarge the image) in the text bubble next to the box. There, they claim that Cream of Rice is better than the following cereals:
1) wheat
2) oat
3) baby
Is it just me, or does that creep you out too? Granted, I'm not a Child Specialist; I've only given birth to two of 'em.
Now here, we've got bigger problems.Would you trust your child's protection to an elderly man in tights and a wig? Even her "energy protection"? (I still can't imagine who Americans thought was trying to steal all their energy in the late 40s--Nazi spies? Working women? Lex Luthor?) This is exactly the kind of guy I want my kids to stay away from.
And the "famous" "plan" they are touting turns out to be this: Eat some oatmeal every day.
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