More spokesfreaks
The Salty Salt sailor with horrific goiter reminds me how long it's been since I focused on irritating/frightening corporate mascots. How about this cranberry guy, from a December 1949 Family Circle?Or maybe it's two guys; you know, they all look alike.
This little sentient being is directing you how to cook and eat him. Perhaps that explains the panicked expression and the clock in his hand.
Some lucky ad man was patting himself on the back for keeping those sketches from the first year of art school, when they teach you how to draw the human figure in proportion by stacking up heads.
Up close:
Very nice brushwork on those highlights though. It's hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure most of the ad art in 40s and 50s food ads is watercolor, which is pretty astonishing to me, having worked in the medium. It's really hard to control. I doubt these illustrators could have gotten the glow they got from oils or acrylics though. Hats off to you, you old food painters.
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