Party Meatloaf

Exploring all that is wonderful and horrible about 50's pop culture. Come join the party!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Gifts, 2006

From my husband, after several pointed hints:
Pink Think: Becoming a Woman in Many Uneasy Lessons--Lynn Peril. Anyone who refers to "femininity" as "the other 'F' word" is going to sell me a book.

From my sister:
Mommy Knows Worst: Highlights from the Golden Age of Bad Parenting Advice--James Lileks. Not on par with his classic Gallery of Regrettable Foods, but still fun.

Also from my husband:
The Complete Peanuts 1959-1962 Box Set--Charles Schulz. Bringing my collection current at six volumes, twelve years.

And a buncha other stuff, not 50's-related.


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