Party Meatloaf

Exploring all that is wonderful and horrible about 50's pop culture. Come join the party!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Review: Meat + pointy sticks = manly

Granted, this page is forward-thinking enough to acknowledge that women might enjoy eating shish-kebabs (or "kabobs" as they are called here). But the "Dad's Delight for man-sized appetites" gives the game away. Women are expected to put smaller pieces of meat on their skewers. The Company Cookout recipe on the left page helpfully suggests two sizes: "ladylike tidbits" or "he-man" size. Remember, there are ONLY TWO options.

As if the "Tall-teen Wienies" weren't bad enough on their own (why "tall"? What is tall about them? If anything they are notably more horizontal than the other kebabs, assuming you aren't running the skewer through all that cheese. Are they intended to be eaten by tall teenagers? Teens with big feet? Do we really want to make this connection?), note that of the seven recipes on this double page, two feature hot dogs, one features balogna, and the other is based on canned ham. In addition to being cheap and repulsive, all of these so-called foods are pre-cooked, making their slicing and stringing and marinading and grilling doubly pointless.

By the way, most browsers will give you a larger image if you just click any image in this blog. I added a note to this effect at the top of the blog. Most of my entries, you really need to see the details up close.


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